

As I see it, America today seems as though it is controlled by power "elites". Without een knowing much about our government or it's structure, you can literally see who is most powerful: rich white men. This also aligns with Noam Chomsky's idea to me. American power looks out for it self and it's people. And yes, you guessed it--weathly white men look out for weathly white folk.
However, to display an image that allows them to be more widely supported, this group tries to appear more pluralist. Instead of looking power hungry (all of the time), these leaders seems to show concern for issues facing other groups such as homelessness, and perhaps social welfare in general. They pass laws or acts but these issues seem to always fade in the background and grow worse. Perhaps I think even less of these "elites" than Noam Chomsky does. All I can hope is for is a new power grou, at least one that seems to truly care.


Blogger marge said...

I don't know if it's possible to think less of the elites than Chomsky does. He's pretty hardcore. :)

10:54 PM  
Blogger Rachel_Rosen said...

Wouldn't that be nice? A power group that truly cares about people who don't have money...what a concept

11:21 PM  
Blogger Joey said...

is it possible to have an elitist minority that cares about the powerless majority? when it comes down to it, don't those with power eseentially look out for themselves? I liked your point on the perceived pluralist view. I think that the actual and perceived pluralist gridlock only separates the people while keeping the establishment more empowered.

9:36 AM  
Blogger toddo said...

there are progressives out there, but you dont win elections these days by talking about taking care of the poor...it has been ala mode a few times this century, but liberals have backed off since the newt gingrich years--the conservative revolution in 1994. progressives drove a huge backlash against "robber barons" at the turn of the century; FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society were other big liberal high water marks...

3:19 PM  

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